Howl Case Study

Transforming Data into Growth: Unleashing Marketing Momentum

Crafting a Path to Brand Excellence


KUNGFU.AI is a strategic AI services provider dedicated to helping companies harness the power of data. With a focus on innovation and practical solutions, they assist businesses in leveraging artificial intelligence to gain a competitive advantage and minimize risks. Known for their hands-on approach and commitment to client success, KUNGFU.AI stands out as a reliable partner in navigating the complexities of AI technology.

KUNGFU.AI faced significant hurdles in effectively capturing and utilizing data across their digital platforms, leading to inaccuracies in their CRM and hampering their marketing momentum. Lacking a clear understanding of their buyer journey and sales processes, they struggled to optimize lead generation channels and quantify marketing ROI. The absence of strategic guidance left them unable to capitalize on growth opportunities.

Navigating Communication Complexities




  • Data Capture Challenges
  • Marketing Momentum Stalled
  • Limited Understanding of Buyer Journeys
  • Lead Management

Growth Surge


  • 7.9% growth in revenue
  • 16% increase in conversion rates
  • 42.5% increase in MQLs
  • 77.8% increase in SQLs

About The Project

« Discipline or skill achieved through hard work or practice.»

Guiding KUNGFU.AI's Journey to Clarity


  1. Howl Marketing stepped in as a fractional CMO, delivering comprehensive training, strategic guidance, and hands-on execution to streamline and optimize KUNGFU.AI’s marketing efforts.
  2. Through in-depth audits and collaborative workshops, Howl identified and rectified data capture gaps, optimized the HubSpot CRM, and established persona-based segmentation for targeted marketing campaigns.
  3. Strategic alignment between marketing and sales departments facilitated the digitization of the processes, enabling real-time reporting on customer journeys, lead and deal progressions.
  4. Howl Marketing implemented data-driven strategies, encompassing intentional email marketing, automated lead nurturing, thought leadership content creation, and strategic ad spend allocation. These initiatives were meticulously crafted to maximize ROI and elevate brand presence across LinkedIn and Google platforms

Triumph of Transformation


KUNGFU.AI underwent a remarkable transformation in marketing efficacy. Revenue surged by 7.89% year-over-year (YoY), with closed deals increasing from 38 to 41 annually, signaling tangible business expansion. Lead generation metrics saw a significant boost, as marketing qualified eads (MQLs) increased by 42.5% and sales qualified leads (SQLs) surged 77.8% YoY. Moreover, conversion rates surged by 16%, indicating a substantial increase in prospects entering the sales funnel and progressing towards conversion.

KUNGFU.AI's newfound ability to track and analyze metrics empowered them to make data-driven decisions, fostering sustained growth and heightened customer engagement.

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