Unlocking New Marketing Potential:
HubSpot's SMS for Marketers


At Howl Marketing, we are constantly on the lookout for innovative marketing tools and strategies to help our clients stay ahead in the ever-evolving landscape. During the recent INBOUND 2023 Partner Day, HubSpot introduced an exciting enhancement that has the potential to reshape customer engagement strategies – SMS Marketing. As a HubSpot Gold Solutions Partner, we are excited to share the details of this groundbreaking release and explore how it can revolutionize your marketing campaigns.

The Power of SMS Marketing

In today’s fast-paced digital landscape, reaching your audience at the right moment is critical. HubSpot’s SMS Marketing feature offers a direct and immediate channel for personalized, timely, and direct customer engagement.

Instant Mobile Engagement

SMS marketing offers a unique advantage: the ability to reach your audience instantly on their mobile devices. With the average person checking their phone over 150 times a day, SMS ensures that your messages are seen and acted upon promptly.

Influencing Purchase Decisions

Timing often plays a pivotal role in influencing purchase decisions. HubSpot’s SMS Marketing enables you to send messages that can sway buying behavior, whether it’s promoting a limited-time offer, announcing flash sales, or delivering event updates.

Crafting Personalized and Precise Offers

Personalization is a cornerstone of successful marketing. HubSpot’s SMS Marketing feature empowers you to create highly targeted and personalized offers, tailored to individual preferences and needs.

Elevating Your Marketing Campaigns with SMS

SMS can be a game-changer for various facets of your marketing strategy:

Direct Customer Messaging

HubSpot’s SMS feature empowers you to communicate directly with customers, effortlessly enhancing growth opportunities. Utilize personalized tokens, integrate contacts, and employ workflows to craft targeted SMS campaigns, engage in real-time conversations, and deliver time-sensitive offers.

Measuring Success with HubSpot SMS

Effective marketing relies on data. HubSpot’s SMS feature comes equipped with robust analytics and reporting capabilities, allowing you to gauge the success of your campaigns by tracking vital metrics, including delivery rates, open rates, click-through rates, and conversion rates.

Pricing and Eligibility

To unlock the full potential of HubSpot’s SMS Marketing, it’s available as an add-on for Marketing Hub Pro and Enterprise. For detailed pricing information, please refer to HubSpot’s Products & Services Catalog.


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Who Qualifies for SMS Marketing?

SMS for Marketers is a paid add-on exclusively available to Marketing Pro+ portals. Keep in mind that not all businesses can send SMS, and specific guidelines and restrictions apply. SMS messages can only be sent from US-based phone numbers, and contacts must give their consent to receive SMS messages.

Common Use Cases for SMS Marketing

SMS marketing offers a wide range of applications:

Empower Your Marketing with HubSpot SMS

In an era where customers demand personalized and timely interactions, HubSpot’s SMS Marketing feature is a game-changer. It provides businesses with a direct and immediate means of engaging with their audience, resulting in higher open rates, quicker responses, and heightened customer engagement.

Are you ready to explore how SMS can revolutionize your business? Contact Howl Marketing today for a personalized demo and uncover how HubSpot’s SMS Marketing can elevate your marketing strategies to unprecedented heights.

Don’t miss this opportunity to stay ahead of the competition and generate exceptional results with the power of SMS marketing. Unlock the potential of HubSpot’s SMS feature and propel your marketing strategies into the future.